A College Student in King Arthur's Court

Another of my short story blogs, this one goes into more of a fantasy RPG genre. I think it'll give me more liberty into the environments and plots the story can take. I think this one'll turn out pretty good. Plus I like the title.

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Location: Gallatin, TN

I'm a computer science major at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. I hang out at the Christian Student Center alot, and I like hanging out with friends.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Beginnings: an explanation

Chris's mind was racing to figure out what was going on. "What? It couldn't be Dr. Robinson. Lawrence looks kinda like him, but Robinson was a lot younger. But what was with the thing about me falling asleep in class? This is just too much..."
"So I assume you do realize that this isn't campus?"
"Um... yeah... but what's with the... why's everybody... how come the... WHAT"S GOING ON!?"
"Alright, let me explain what I've been able to deduce: first of all, you did see the wave, didn't you?" Chris nodded. "And you then woke up yesterday. Correct?"
"I too was knocked out by the wave, but I woke up about ten years ago. Quite a difference between the two of us. When I saw you in the forest, I knew who you were. I just wasn't sure if you remembered the world before the wave."
"What? Why wouldn't I?"
"You may find it peculiar, but everyone else I've spoken with doesn't remember how things used to be."
"So... this is what? We traveled back in time?"
"No, no, far from it, I believe. You among all my students know that time travel isn't possible."
"Then what's gong on? No technology, everyone's all old-Englishy..."
"I'm not sure exactly what's going on. Haven't had much reason to find out. I still have everything I did before: my wife, my health, and my wealth. Not to mention, I've always been an avid archer. I've had plenty of time to practice since it became a regular hobby."
"So, doesn't your wife remember what the world was like?"
"Nope; to her, things have always been this way."
"So everyone from pre-wave is here in post-wave, but we're the only ones that remember pre-wave."
"I doubt we're the only ones. In fact, I'd say there are several. But what determines who remembers is still beyond my grasp."
"So that's it? You're just gonna sit back while something's going on? Well not me. I'm going to find out what's going on."
"If it's that important to you, OK. But not before I give you some supplies. Getting around isn't as easy without a car. Come on. Let's head back to the house."
Chris grabbed the pack and Lawrence took up the deer. They walked back to town.


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