A College Student in King Arthur's Court

Another of my short story blogs, this one goes into more of a fantasy RPG genre. I think it'll give me more liberty into the environments and plots the story can take. I think this one'll turn out pretty good. Plus I like the title.

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Location: Gallatin, TN

I'm a computer science major at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. I hang out at the Christian Student Center alot, and I like hanging out with friends.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Misthalin: dinner

Chris walked into a dark building. He had been told that he could buy some dinner here, so he walked up to the counter. Chris pulled out the coins he had gotten. "How much will this get me?" he asked. The man at the counter turned around. "Not much, but I'll go ahead and make it."
The other people there were all talking with each other. Chris thought he might be able to pick up some information from the surrounding conversations, but everything was pretty trivial: weather, livestock, nothing of use. Chris got his food and sat down at an empty table. It didn't look to appetizing, but he was hungry. All he had was an undercooked chicken leg, some beans, and a glass of water.
Chris decided he had better get an idea pretty soon on where to sleep and get money. He walked outside. It was twilight. Chris guessed he had about an hour of daylight left. He looked around, thinking something might strike him. And it did.
To his right, a few guards were trying to restrain one guy and a woman. The woman was screaming frantically: "... there was a giant wave!!!" Chris knew what she was talking about. He couldn't see the guy; guards were swarming them now. Chris decided he should before getting involved.
Eventually, the two people were taken away. Chris followed a good distance behind. They were led to a building far from where the fight started. Chris peered from behind a building and watched the guards. At the door, most of the guards headed back to the main parts of town. Two went inside with their prisoners. A minute later, they came back outside. One guard left, while the other stood by the door. "Guess this is as good as it'll get," Chris thought.


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