A College Student in King Arthur's Court

Another of my short story blogs, this one goes into more of a fantasy RPG genre. I think it'll give me more liberty into the environments and plots the story can take. I think this one'll turn out pretty good. Plus I like the title.

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Location: Gallatin, TN

I'm a computer science major at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. I hang out at the Christian Student Center alot, and I like hanging out with friends.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Outside Misthalin: morning

Chris woke up early the next morning. It was chilly, and he was hungry. He looked over to where Jen and Eric had slept last night. They were already out of bed. He turned around and saw the fire going. They were cooking breakfast, it looked like.
"Morning, Chris. Hungry?" Chris nodded. Last night's dinner was less than filling. "Roll up the beds and we'll take care off this."
After he had gotten the beds rolled back up, he sat down on the edge of the cart. Jen handed him a bowl of something the resembled oatmeal. He picked up a spoon and tasted it. It had a consistency of wet cardboard, and a taste to match. But he was still hungry, and downed the bowl pretty quickly.
After a quick check make sure they had everything, they got back on the road.


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