A College Student in King Arthur's Court

Another of my short story blogs, this one goes into more of a fantasy RPG genre. I think it'll give me more liberty into the environments and plots the story can take. I think this one'll turn out pretty good. Plus I like the title.

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Location: Gallatin, TN

I'm a computer science major at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. I hang out at the Christian Student Center alot, and I like hanging out with friends.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Outside Misthalin

About half an hour out of town, the group stopped by the side of the road.
"Might as well set up camp for the night," Eric said. He grabbed the bedrolls out of the cart and set them up on the ground. "I'll go grab some firewood."
Chris decided he'd clear out some space for a fire. He swept away some brush with his foot. Eric got back soon after with some wood. He put it down in the spot Chris had cleared. "Hey Jen, can you start the fire?"
"No problem," she said.
Chris turned to Eric. "Anything you need me to do?" he asked.
"No, once we get the fire going, we'll be done for the night."
As soon as he finished speaking, Jen already had the fire going. "Wow, that was pretty fast," Chris said.
"Yeah, I'm pretty good at starting fires."
It was a pretty cold night. Chris just hoped he'd be asleep before the fire went out. It was an odd feeling; this was only his second night. Nothing had become routine yet. He figured he had a better chance of finding a way home with this many people. Things were definately looking up.


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